
About the Breed

The Newfoundland is a large, strong dog breed that is known for its intelligence, gentleness, and loyalty. This breed has a long history of being an invaluable companion for fishermen and sailors. The Newfoundland is an ideal family dog due to its gentle nature and size. This article will provide details about the Newfoundland's temperment, who this breed is ideal for, its history, healthy weight, and important health checks for the breed. Temperament The Newfoundland is known as a gentle giant due to its large size and friendly demeanor. They are incredibly loyal dogs that form strong bonds with their owners and other pets in the home. Newfoundlands have a natural instinct to protect their families in times of danger. They are also very intelligent dogs with an eagerness to please their owners that makes them easily trainable. Ideal Owner Despite their large size and strength, Newfoundlands are not aggressive dogs by nature. That said, they do require consistent training from an early age to ensure proper behavior in the home or around other people or animals outside of it. For this reason, this breed may be best suited for owners with experience raising dogs or those willing to take the time necessary to train them correctly from puppyhood onward. The Newfoundland's natural inclination towards protection also means they may be most appropriate for homes where there is someone present most hours of the day as well as families with children over five years old who understand how to treat animals respectfully.. History The origin of modern Newfoundlands can be traced back centuries ago when fishermen from Portugal introduced them into what was then known as Terra Nova (now Newfoundland). These hardy breeds were used by fishermen on their ships due to their strength and swimming ability which made them excellent lifeguards if anyone fell overboard during storms at sea or rough waters near shorelines where fish were abundant.. In addition to being used as water rescue dogs on fishing vessels they also participated in activities such as hauling heavy nets full of fish onto ships while out at sea or carrying wood ashore after cutting down trees on land.. By 1879 the British Kennel Club officially recognized the Newfoundland breed and since then they have become popular family pets all around the world due mainly to their calm disposition even when faced with difficult situations like loud noises or unfamiliar settings.. Healthy Weight A healthy weight range for adult male Newfoundlands ranges between 130-150 lbs while female adults should weigh between 100-120 lbs depending on height. It's important that owners keep close track of these weights because obesity can lead to various joint issues later in life including hip dysplasia which can cause pain and difficulty walking. It's recommended that pet parents provide regular exercise such as long walks daily but avoid high intensity activities such as running until after 2 years old when bones are fully developed.. Important Health Checks It's important that pet parents schedule regular checkups at least twice per year with veterinarians so any potential health issues can be caught early before causing major problems down the road. Additionally, it's important that owners consistently brush teeth regularly, groom coats, clean ears regularly, trim nails monthly, monitor eyesight, watch out for signs like limping, coughing or sneezing which could indicate something serious going on internally. Keeping up with these routine checks will help ensure your pet lives a happy healthy life full of good memories together! Conclusion The Newfoundland is an incredibly loyal dog bred historically by fishermen looking for a companion out at sea but now loved by many families across the world today! These gentle giants make great companions because they are easy-going yet protective natures making them perfect additions any household. Owners must keep track of this breeds' weight & participate in regular health check-ups so any potential health issues can be caught early & treated properly. With proper training & care these loving pets will bring joy & happiness into your home!

Healthy weight:

80-150 lbs

Recommended Food

Large breed dog food such as Royal Canin Golden Retriever or Hills Science Diet

Breed Colors

  • Black
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • White
  • Landseer

Ideal for owners that

  • Patient
  • Dependable
  • Loving
  • Good Problem Solver
  • Responsible
  • Active
  • Outgoing
  • Warm-hearted
  • Stable
  • Self-disciplined

Health Considerations

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Cystinuria
  • Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS)
  • Tracheal Collapse
  • Eye Problems
  • Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV)
  • Hypothyroidism

This breed may be cute, but these are some of their common health issues to be aware of.

Temperment & Skills


newfoundland's on Fetch Fido